Impact of climate change on achievement of the post-2015 sustainable development goals

The report assesses the impact of climate change on the achievement of the post-2015 sustainable development goals report over the next 15 years under two scenarios for the 2015 climate change agreement: a high-ambition agreement and a low-ambition agreement. It looks at associated policies and levels of investment in mitigation and adaptation. The high-ambition scenario used is based on the UNFCCC aim to limit global warming to a 2°C increase on pre-industrial temperatures.

The research aims to provide decision-makers and negotiators at the Conference of the Parties (COP) with a better understanding, and evidence, of the implications of the outcome of the climate agreement decisions on the SDGs. In addition, it aims to influence the SDG negotiations.

The assignment included calculating climate change impacts (including economic impacts), under two climate change agreement scenarios, on: SDG 1 (poverty), SDG2 (hunger), SDG6 (water and sanitation) and SDG7 (energy), and in-depth case studies on the linkages between the SDGs and climate change in selected countries: Pakistan, Uganda, Jamaica and Dominica.

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  1. Client
    Climate & Development Knowledge Network (CDKN)
  2. Solution
    Cambio climático y energía
  3. Dates
    09/2014 - 05/2015
  4. Location