Climate change and energy
We analyze the costs and benefits of climate change and the policies to fight against it.
Sectoral impacts and costs of climate change.
Sectoral benefits of adaptation.
Cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness of adaptation and mitigation measures.
Effects of climate change on housing prices.
Socio-economic impact of the deployment of renewable energies.
Economic instruments for energy transition.
Public policy
We design public policy instruments and analyze their results (ex-ante and ex-post).
Strategic design.
Socioeconomic impact studies.
Analysis (ex-ante and ex-post) of environmental instruments and policies.
Circular economy
We propose models and tools to move towards circularity.
Marine and terrestrial ecosystems
We value the contribution of ecosystems to economic and social well-being.
Economic valuation of ecosystems and ecosystem services.
Sectoral costs of ecosystem degradation.
Economic instruments for biodiversity management.
Benefits of sustainable management of natural resources.
We work to improve management and reduce the negative impacts of transport.
Estimation of economic and climate costs of transport.
Stochastic modelling and projections.
Assessment of sectoral impacts (and in the sector) through the input-output framework.
Taxation and green finance
We propose fiscal reforms, estimate the impact of sustainable bonds and design green budgets.