Preparation of a baseline study to appraise coastal adaptation interventions in Mediterranean coastal hotspots – stage 1

The ocean is a vital resource to many people on the planet. It is also important in economic terms. Unfortunately, over the last 50 years the world’s oceans have been subject to greater human pressure than at any time in recorded history. These pressures have taken a considerable toll on the resilience and productivity of the marine environment. This combination of high economic value and a declining asset base, makes it critically important to have a sound understanding of where ecosystem service values are at risk and what can be done to arrest the losses and overuse of the ocean that we currently observe. It is important to have information on the costs of different methods of exploiting the marine environment, so that it can be done sustainably.

The overarching goal of this assignment is to compare and prioritize the adaptation interventions identified during two workshops in order to select key intervention (s) to be submitted to a full cost-benefit analysis.

Metroeconomica supports this project providing the following services: (i) preparing and attend two participatory workshop sessions on economic analysis methods for coastal adaptation solutions in Kotor (Montenegro) and the Tanger-Tetouan-Al Hoceima Region; (ii) preparing a baseline study to appraise selected adaptation interventions identified during the workshop, developing a multi-criteria analysis model and indicating data and information needs to realise a later full cost-benefit analysis; and (iii) prepared a summary report based on findings of workshops al multi-criteria analysis.

Link to report

  1. Client
    Plan Bleu pour l’Environnement et le Développement en Méditerranée - PNUMA
  2. Solution
    Climate change and energy
    Marine and terrestrial ecosystems
  3. Dates
    08/2022 – 03/2023
  4. Location
ADAPTANEED: adaptation needs in strategic infrastructures in Spain and research, development, and innovation opportunities

ADAPTANEED: adaptation needs in strategic infrastructures in Spain and research, development, and innovation opportunities


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