Advisor | Bilbao
Carmelo holds a BA in Economic Law from the University of Deusto (Bilbao) and an MBA from ESADE Business School (Barcelona). He is an expert in the development of strategic business models for sustainable development and environmental management.
He has over 30 years of experience, of which more than 19 have been in areas related to the environment, including the development of innovative methodologies for different business areas and for the incorporation of circular approaches at Iberdrola.
His experience ranges from the financial analysis of M&A operations and pure business managment, to the development of innovative strategies for different business lines, and the development of roadmaps for their implementation, always taking into account the economic viability of the company.
In recent years, his experience has been increasingly related to the circular economy sector including consultancy work for environmental risk management, renewable energy and industry 4.0 and for the incorporation of circular economy approaches between different industries and economic contexts.
He is an expert in the design of circular economy strategies from the public and private sector perspectives, while taking into account the specific circumstances of the country / region. He has experience in Spain, the UK and the Americas, including Brazil, Peru and Mexico.